Friday, January 17, 2014

10000 Ways that Don't Work?

Formative assessment provides time for trial and error and thus encourages students to takes risks to achieve more. Even though it's time consuming in our classrooms, just imagine what the world would be like without it. Think about Thomas Edison. What if he hadn't been allowed to redo, rethink, and revise his work. What if he hadn't persevered? It's a "dark" thought, isn't it?

Scientists estimate that Edison's light bulb wastes 95% of the energy it creates. If so, I guess one could say his bulb still doesn't work perfectly and yet look at how it has dramatically changed our lives and the world.

Maybe there's another Thomas Edison in your classroom right now. Hmmm. Maybe finding 10,000 ways that don't work is actually pretty darn good work.

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